Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The Amazing Cousin Steveini !!

We are about to do the worlds first blog card trick.

I want you all to think of a standard deck of 52 cards. They all are all spread out over a light wooden table and are in no particular order. You can see them all. Look at them in a clockwise fashion and pick YOUR CARD. The only thing I ask is that you DON'T pick your so called favorite number.

Think about what it is. What it looks like. Picture it in your hand. Burn the card into your brain.

Do you have it forever locked in place?

I am about to tell you the card you picked.

And here is YOUR CARD....

Click For Your Card

Ladies and Gentlemen....The Amazing Cousin Steveini !!!!


Cake said...

Wow! Will you pick my lottery numbers for me later?

bostongraf said...


Your cousin sucks. He didn't get it right.

Lois Lane said...

Nope, Ace of Clubs.

Glad there wasn't a two drink minimum for this blog.

Anonymous said...

I don't have a deck of cards, a light wooden table, or a favorite number. Can I still play?

Cake said...

I imagine a heavy wooden table would work just as well.

(Blame NoOprah for that one; I couldn't resist.)

I Ain't No Oprah said...

I cheated. I used a deck of 52 seven of hearts and thats why you all picked the 7 of hearts.

Except for those of you that didn't really try to visualize the cards.


Roger the Shrubber said...

AH! Get out of my head!!

Just kidding, that wasn't my card...