Sunday, August 06, 2006

Mel Gibson always wanted to direct....TV shows.

With Mel's movie career possibly in shambles he turns to are some of his ideas to get back on top:

1. Hill Street Jews::: Ensemble piece about of a bunch of Jews that live on Hill Street and control the media.

2. Mork and Mindy Cohen:::Wacky comedy about an alien from the Planet Ork who befriends a homely down on her luck Hollywood Jew Mindy Cohen (Played by Teri Hatcher)

3. The Beverly Jewbillies::: A family of rich Jews move to the Smokey Mountains and take control of the banks.

4. The Jewferrsons::: A story about a family of Black Jews who take over whatever Black Jews take over.

5. Joel Grays Anatomy::: Story of a closeted gay Jew who likes to dance and hang out with Liza Minelli.

6. The Man from U.N.C.L.E.M.O.R.T.I.E.S::: Story of a Jewish spy and whatever Jewish spys do.

7. Star Trek: The Next Jewneration::: Story of a bunch of Jews on a starship who try and take over the media on other planets.

8. I Scheme Of Jeannie: Story of a Jewish (HA!) Astronaut who finds a sexy Genie on the beach and then tricks said Genie into letting him take over the media.

9. One Oy-Vey At A Time::: Story of a single Jewish mother struggling to teach her stuttering son to talk. And take over the media.

10. Survivor: Auschwitz::: Young, attractive Jews get put in a concentration camp and compete against each other to see who will control the media.


Cake said...

You forgot Doctor Jew...the show about the nice Jewish guy who travels through time and space, helping people with his little robot dog.

Cake said...

Though, on second thought...if Mel were making this film, I suppose it wouldn't be about a nice Jewish guy.

It'd be about a mean Jewish guy trying to take over all the media in the galaxy.

I kinda missed the boat on that one...but whattya want?? It's a Sunday!

Anonymous said...

The Fugitive:
The story of an innocent Australian boy pursued relentlessly by the Jewish-controlled media, accused of a crime he didn't intend to commit.

The Fugitive:
The story of an innocent Judean messiah pursued relentlessly by the rabbinical-controlled populace, accused of a crime he didn't intend to commit.

The Fugitive:
The story of an innocent German bureaucrat pursued relentlessly by the Jewish-controlled Mossad, accused of a "crime" he didn't actually commit because he was only following orders.

Little House on the Pampas:
The story of simple German emigrants, forced into Argentinian exile when the Jews take over their ancestral homeland. Arriving with little more than the clothes on their backs and a few tons of gold, relentlessly pursued by the Weisenthal cartel, they struggle to start a new life, preserving their old-fashioned family values.

Deep Throat:
With Gibson in the Linda Lovelace role.

Anonymous said...

I think the Beverly Jewbillies should star Tori Spelling

I Ain't No Oprah said...

Mel thinks the slammin' door is the fault of the Jews.

Cake said...

Sounds like someone needs a drink...

Anonymous said...

" No... it's the fault of the white-trash office bimbo who has someting against me."

Ooooooo catfight!

Anonymous said...

As a lurker on this site (and regular at Surviving Grady), I have to say this was your best yet...

Anonymous said...

I'd like to lodge an official (if belated) complaint about the lack of a Monday blog entry.

Thanks for listening.

Anonymous said...

Hey Woody, want to star in one of my tv shows? If Hollywood sees that I cast a Jew, maybe they'll forget what a freak I am.

It's worth a try...

Anonymous said...